BlackBox Auditor Tools

Tools Designed for Auditors, Consultants, Security Pros, and More!
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AWS Expert

Gain visibility into your AWS environment and identify security weaknesses — without needing to be an AWS or Security Expert!

Conduct Technical IT Audit Security Assessments With Ease. Advanced Security Assessments within Minutes!

What Makes BlackBox Auditor Tools So Great?
Save Hours on Your Assessments!

BlackBox Auditor was started by IT Security Consultants who have extensive experience conducting IT Security Assessments. We've taken that expertise and knowledge and packaged it into tools that ANYBODY can use. All of our tools audit for the same security issues a highly paid security consultant would look at. You get simple tools that your clients or IT organization will feel comfortable running in their environment. Our tools automate many common IT Audit and Security checks and produce reports useful to IT Auditors, IT Security, Management, or Sys Admins.

  • Virtually no learning curve. Create professional reports and audit documents & evidence

  • Easily pay for the cost of the tools with the time you'll save.

  • Our tools are assessment tools, no changes are made to any system.

  • Perform assessments like an expert security consultant without being one!

Find Out How You Can Use the Power of AI to Conduct Your Next IT Audit or Security Assessment

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